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1. Inoculate through the injection port and allow 2-6 weeks for full colonization.
2. Once colonized, mix the grain spawn with a sterile fruiting substrate.
3. Trigger fruiting by misting and increasing air circulation to create ideal conditions.
Within a short time, watch your mushrooms begin to grow.
1. Mix the colonized spawn with the substrate.
2. Allow the mycelium to fully colonize the mixture (2-4 weeks).
3. Trigger fruiting by misting and increasing air exposure.
After a short period, your mushrooms will begin to grow.
How to Inoculate a Spawn Bag With Syringe:
Prepare Your Workspace:
Prepare Your Workspace:
Clean your area and sanitize all equipment, including your syringe and spawn bag.
Sterilize the Syringe Needle:
Use a flame to sterilize the needle of the syringe until it glows red, then let it cool.
Inject the Syringe:
Insert the needle through the injection port of the spawn bag and inject the liquid culture (around 5cc-10cc) into the bag.
Seal the Bag: Seal the injection port with tape to prevent contamination.
Store in a Warm Place: Place the inoculated bag in a warm, dark area (65-75°F / 18-24°C) for 2-4 weeks for colonization.
Monitor for Growth: Check periodically for mycelium growth and ensure no contamination occurs.
Once fully colonized, the spawn is ready for use!
Use Promptly:
Pre-sterilized substrate remains sterile for a limited time, so use it as soon as possible.
Cleanliness is Key:
Maintaining a clean environment is crucial for successful mushroom cultivation.
Set Up a Sterile Workspace: Ensure your work area is thoroughly sanitized.
Additional Supplies:
Spores, agar culture, liquid culture, and spawn are sold separately.